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Production Day Jan. 13


Class ends at 11:36.


All overdue pages are due today:

  1. Complete what you need to do on them (Do not work up til the bell on these .... your proof will need a few minutes to generate)

  2. Print out a copy from the ladder page ... Put your name and today's date on the top

  3. Put the printout in the page folder

  4. Turn in the folder to Ms. C and mark it DONE in CLASSROOM

Write a paragraph reflection on the back of your agenda sheet from Monday:

  • How successful were you this week? How do you feel about the progress you did (or didn't) make? If you weren't proud of your work this week, what might you have done differently?

  • Turn in your agenda to Ms. C and mark it DONE in CLASSROOM

January Notes were due yesterday. Turn those in for half-credit.


  • 1/13 -- ALL OVERDUE WORK COMPLETE (spreads, advertiser contact, PoD)

  • 1/17 -- January article and headlines due

  • 1/19 -- January Photos selected and placed

  • 1/24 -- January Captions written ... use the Caption Writing Worksheets and write complete A-B-C-D captions (these will require more information than a caption that states the obvious or says nothing)

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